Helping you to satisfy your taste for crafts on a budget.
"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might," Ecclesiastes 9:10
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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Girl Scouts January Meeting

After a long winter break, we are back in school, and this week we are back to scouting.
Our January meeting was fun!

First I passed out badges, pins, and sashes to our newest members. Then we talked about our plans for this year...what we'll be doing at the meetings, outings we might attend, and cookie sales.

Then we played a really fun game called "I went to the store." The first girl starts by saying "I went to the store and I bought."..and she names something that starts with letter A. The next girl does the same thing with letter B and must also remember what the girl before her bought. And it continues with more and more "items" to remember. We only have 11 girls so we went around our circle twice.These silly girls were stuck on animals for some reason, so we should've called the game "I went to the zoo!"

Then for our craft, I taught them paper weaving. We used recycled magazine pages and construction paper.

First we cut the magazine pages into strips.

Then we cut our construction paper. You can do straight lines, zigzags, wide or narrow, whatever you want. On this paper, I did zigzag:

*Tip of the Day: Cut your magazine strips the same direction that you cut your construction paper. If you cut your paper width-wise, cut your strips the same directions. If you cut your paper horizontal, cut your strips the same. If you cut your paper horizontal but your strips vertical, they will be too short to weave! At the ends, you will need a drop of glue to hold the strips in place.

Then we started weaving! Over, under, over, under, over, under...I didn't even have to explain this part, they figured it out from looking at the example that I brought with me.

A few of our creations:
This is a great project because it is a good environmental example (recycling!), it is great for hand-eye coordination practice, and it is a craft that could be used in other ways like with ribbon, yarn, different colored papers/patterns, etc!

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